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Zdroj: Vedelisteze.sk

GREEN LAKE: Park, ktorý sa mení na prekrásne jazero

Gruner See (Green Lake) je jazero nachádzajúce sa v Rakúsku v blízkosti mesta Targoss. Zaujímavosťou je kolísanie jeho hĺbky počas roka.

V zimnom období je jazero hlboké 1 až 2 metre, jeho okolie obkolesuje park. Na jar, po roztopení snehu a ľadu z vrcholov hôr sa hĺbka jazera výrazne mení. Jazero tak pohltí celú oblasť vrátane parku. V lete dosahuje najväčšiu hĺbku, a to až 12 metrov.

Jazero je typické zeleným sfarbením vody, nízkou teplotou (4 až 8 °C) a krištáľovo čistou vodou. Napriek nízkej teplote je veľmi populárne medzi potápačmi, ktorí môžu pod hladinou pozorovať zelené lúky, stromy, dokonca lavice i mosty. V zime sa jazero dostáva do svojej pôvodnej hĺbky, kedy sa do parku opäť vracajú turisti.

02_Green Lake—Austria

img: ugandansatheart.blogspot.com


img: amusingplanet.com


img: amusingplanet.com


img: redrumrose.tumblr.com

Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX/Marc Henauer/Solent News (3010613d) A scuba diver explores the flooded park around Green Lake Green Lake, which doubles in size and covers a park at certain times of the year, Tragoess, Austria - 2013 *Full story: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/mjhf These photographs appear to show a spectacular underwater world. Twelve metres of water covers trees, footpaths, benches and bridges that are only accessible at certain times of the year. During the winter Green Lake in Tragoess, Austria, is normally only one metre deep and visitors can stroll through the park next to the picturesque lagoon. However, at certain times of the year snowmelt from the nearby Karst mountains floods the lake and everything surrounding it. At this point an extra 12 metres of water, which is crystal clear and with a temeprature of seven degree celsius, helps to double the size of Green Lake from 2,000 square metres to 4,000. Marc Henauer, from Perly, Switzerland, and his wife travelled with their scuba diving gear to explore the flooded park. The 39-year-old said: "When I was underwater, it felt like I was swimming in a magical world, it was so beautiful.

img: 999paradises.com


img: amusingplanet.com


img: amusingplanet.com


img: pinterest.com



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